"The Girl Code." The Girl Code. N.p., n.d. Web. 19
Nov. 2012. <http://www.dolliecrave.com/the-girl-code.php>.
This isn’t
so much an article as it is a public post about ideas of what girl code is.
Some of these examples are very known to both genders but some are things that
only females groing up in todays age would understand. Most of them revolve
around boys/boyfriends and norms within social groups.
"Â Guy Code, Man Law,
Bro Code & Man Etiquette." The
Guy Code. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
fact that there is an entire website dedicated to “Guy Code” reinforces how
prominent it is in our culture. This website informs you of the social norms
for men regarding to a huge selection of topics. They call it “ guy code, man law, bro code and man etiquette.
It has rules on what you should and shouldn’t do anywhere from bathroom etiquette
to the bros before ho’s rule to the code for mixing drinks and for playing
Health." Teen Suicide Risk
Factors and Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
This article explains some statistics on teen
suicides. It explains that suicide is actually the third leadinc cause of death
among people between the ages of 10 and 24. 84% of suicides are males however, females
attempt suicide far more than males. Females don’t usually use as violent as
methods which results in less deaths. It
then goes on to talking about suicide risk factors such as Previous suicide
attempt(s).Psychological and mental disorders, especially depression and other
mood disorders, schizophrenia, and social anxiety. Substance abuse and/or alcohol disorders, History of abuse or
mistreatment, Family history of suicide, Feelings of hopelessness, Physical
illness, Impulsive or aggressive tendencies, Financial or social loss, Relationship
loss, Isolation or lack of social support, Easy access to methods/means of
suicide, and Exposure to others who have committed suicide. It then talks about
protective factors for suicide.
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